Wednesday, 6 February 2008

"Bully's" down the back passage!

Male Bullfinch, looking rather smart today!

No pun intended though I bet Google picks that up? Flooded again and although nice, sunny and bright, very little to report. The Bullfinch seems to be the most obvious species today and there are plenty feeding amongst the brambles on the abandoned rd between the main car park and the football pitch, hence the back passage!
Off for a week in search of an endangered and unique bird, the Spoon-billed Sandpiper (which sadly may not have long left on this planet) in Thailand. Cheers for now!

Monday, 4 February 2008


Adult in a tree near the Boardwalk, presumed to be roosting as it was almost dark, my excuse for a grainy image!

Terrible shot, nice bird

The classic shallow 'V' - a soaring Buzzard

What a difference a decade makes! Ten years ago, seeing a Buzzard in Leicestershire let alone Leicester was a rare sight. Now they're even on the Meadows on a regular basis and a few days ago I even scoped one circling over the Walkers stadium. Today I saw five in the air together and watched a pair displaying over the Southern section. I attempted, very badly to grab some shots through the scope but with poor light and wind they're all a bit, well crap really!
Still they're on the Meadows, Look Up!

Winter Thrushes

One of my favourites, the Fieldfare

Redwing and Fieldfare, check the size difference

A Redwing, the smaller of the two and no, its wings aren't red!

After the cold blow over the weekend its been an interesting few days. I finally found a wintering Blackcap, a lovely looking male watched foraging with of all things, the Chaffinch flock...slightly bizarre! Our Scandinavian Thrushes have reappeared and particularly favour the rough paddocks at the back of Kings Lock Cottage. There are at least 60 Fieldfare intermixed with around 30 Redwing and both species, plumage wise, are looking rather dapper!