Saturday 5 January 2008

Aylestone Meadows - More Goosander

A clear but cold day with only the wind to put the dampers on things. Thought I'd go and have another go at the Goosander which proved a bit more elusive and mobile today. They seem to be moving between the Biam and their regular pools around the southern section but I eventually found four of them chilling out on the bathing pool. Goosander is a member of the Sawbills, so called because of the tooth like serrations along the cutting edges of the bill enabling a better grip of their main prey, fish. They are expert divers and chasers and the Biam is perfect as it's loaded with small fry. These birds are probably Scottish or Scandinavian where they breed on lakes and slow rivers in forested areas, requiring mature trees with holes for nesting. With luck they'll be around for at least a month or so. It was good to see a flock of 70 or so Lapwing also using the pools and one of last years young Buzzards making a nuisance of himself and the gulls nervous.

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