Saturday, 5 April 2008

Black Panther - Aylestone Meadows

I must be blind! Not only have I worked alongside big cats for six years and now work regularly abroad tracking them for Wildlife Tours and I've been doing the area regularly for thirty years I've seen nowt - no shit, no tracks zilch!
Why are they always black, I've seen Jaguars, Leopards and Pumas in the wild, not one of them was even slightly dark. Their eyes are like fire when caught by light, I know I spotlight them. The last main sighting before this one involved an assumed Ostrich leg!
Made me laugh.... anyway, from

Mr Cave's wife Kerry, 43, is a sceptic but said she saw a Labrador-sized black cat with blue eyes at the side of the dual carriageway from Fosse Park to Aylestone crossroads at about 11pm on March 8.

She said: "It was very late but I saw it sitting at the side of the road watching the traffic and as I looked back I saw its blue eyes.

"It was such a pretty blue it was hard to forget - I still wonder whether I imagined it or not."

Donna Brown, 37, of the Saffron Lane area of Leicester, said she recently saw a panther in Aylestone Meadows.

She said: "At 1.30pm on January 3, I finally got to see the cat that roams around Aylestone Meadows.

"There have been sightings in that area for about 10 years now and I wanted to investigate them.

"It was lying down in overgrown shrubs surrounding the bottom of pylons.

"I saw something in a half lying, half sitting position.

"I looked straight into the cat's eyes and it was absolutely beautiful, its coat was a glossy black colour, its eyes were a yellowish greenish colour.

"I am 100 per cent sure of what I saw, it wasn't a panther-type it wasn't a puma-type, it was an actual panther.

"I am still excited about it now and will be for some time because I actually got the chance to look one in the eyes, which are absolutely beautiful."

I hope its true, I would love to see it and it would be a bloody good deterent for all our male 'bush-stalkers'!


Anonymous said...

Laugh............I nearly pissed myself!!!!! To think that these people can vote and influence our lives in some way....very scary!!! Anyway, I'll be down the meadows early on sunday morning looking for the ousels and the white wagtails (now I've had the nod and a wink on where to go), just hope that the panther has planned a good sunday roast before he sees me!!!

davidearlgray said...

Let's hope the Panther starts eating the local ASBO population! or even the uphill gardeners!!

rockfowl said...

Very sharp Dave!
You maybe sorting a few heads out in the not too distant future!

Unknown said...

I've seen the domestic black cat that's roams around aylestone meadows. It's normally on the waste ground of the gas works.