Thursday, 5 June 2008

Damsels and Dragons...

Broad-bodied Chaser - One of my favourites

Broad-bodied Chaser - Male

Black-tailed Skimmer - Similar to the Broad-bodied but look at the wings and tail

Blue-tailed Damselfly

The last few days has seen an increase in the emergence of a good variety of both Damsel and Dragonflies. Damsels are fairly difficult due to their small size but will generally perch for long enough periods to enjoy and identify. At the moment, all areas are very productive but especially the long grassy edges of the Biam and the main scrape beside the boardwalk. In fact spending anytime beside the main boardwalk pool is a real joy on fine weather days like today has been. There are currently three species of Damselfly showing (more to follow, hopefully soon), these are the Common Blue, Azure (gorgeous little things!) and the Blue-tailed Damselfly (pic above). There are also now a few Broad-bodied Chasers around, at least two Four-spotted Chasers and the odd Black-tailed Skimmer, these splendid beasts can be seen regularly patrolling the pools mid-morning or perched up on the reeds - the Skimmers often rest on the mud edges. Go and enjoy, you won't be disappointed and whilst your looking, the resident Whitethroats, Sedge Warbler, Kingfisher and Reed Bunting should keep you occupied!

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