Common Whitethroat - Male
Reed Warbler - A true LBJ
Reed Warbler - He's been singing so much he's actually fallen asleep!
LBJ's - Little Brown Job's - My Favourites.... The Common Whitethroat is quite a widespread summer visitor and a breeder on the Meadows and can be heard and seen pretty much anywhere there is some decent scrub and vantage/song posts and perches. It's lovely scratchy song can be heard pretty much all day long at the moment especially in the vicinity of the boardwalk on the north section and the packhorse area in the south. There's plenty of song-flighting going on right now especially at the former site as rival males vie for the best spot.
More an LBJ than the Whitethroat, The Reed Warbler is one of our scarcer birds and there are currently two males (up one from last year) singing on site at the moment.
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