Wednesday 5 March 2008

Kingfishers - A better boardwalk blue!

Male Kingfisher - on the lookout for a meal

Male Kingfisher alongside the boardwalk today, you can tell it's a male as the bill is all black, females have extensive red on the lower mandible.

Despite my little moan yesterday I was back today, armed with a binbag to collect the offending rubbish and determined to enjoy the good weather. Some kind soul had beaten me to it leaving me to enjoy the birds....thanks Lisa, greatly appreciated!
As the Kingfishers been performing well I thought I'd have a go at attempting to get some shots, especially as one bird in particular regularly uses certain 'observation' posts. The Stonechat is also still present and narrowly missed being caught by the female Sparrowhawk which is particularly active at the moment. Things are looking up!

1 comment:

Russ Malin said...

Glad to have you back, I was missing what was going on at the meadows. For one horrible moment I thought I was going to have to get off my arse and have a look myself......