Tuesday 25 March 2008

When the North Wind Blows!

After the rather bleak, snowy weekend I half expected to find some casualties whilst I was out, Fortunately, this was not the case though seeing Chiffchaff's feeding in the snow is slightly more than surreal. Today there are still plenty of Chiffchaff moving through, particularly along the Grand Union/Soar Valley's more protected areas. I've been out looking, perhaps prematurely, for Ring Ouzel, a striking 'mountain' thrush which favours our area during migration. We tend to get a few through in Spring and generally anytime over the next few weeks, though last years exceptional six in April is unlikely to be repeated. I didn't find any today but there are still good numbers of both Redwing and Fieldfare, particularly in the Southern section to check through. The only new bird today was a very brief female Wheatear on the rough paddocks close to the ring road which vanished when the feeding thrushes were disturbed. Sadly no chance of a photograph but hopefully they'll be more through during the week.

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