Tuesday 18 March 2008

Spoke to soon!

I was a bit premature with my nothing about note this morning as this afternoon it all started to happen. I took a walk down the canal to survey the southern section and discovered there was indeed quite alot of movement today. In the riverside bushes close to the ring road I found a group of five and then another trio of Chiffchaff busily feeding away in a manner that indicates they'd just arrived. Eight Chiffchaff in a stretch of no more than fifty meters, just brilliant! This 11cm waif is traditionally one of our earliest migrant warblers and are birds that have probably wintered in the southern med and north Africa, though some do overwinter here in the uk. A bigger surprise was two Swallows that were quartering the fields and canal hunting midges which were thankfully abundant this afternoon providing a well deserved meal. The Swallows are early!

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